Saturday, July 31, 2010

'nip 'n news

We have a new, wonderful locally-owned natural pet store! We can haz 'nip toys! All of Bhu's furrends have 'nip cigars, but we don't like smoking so we got him a 'nip 'bow. We also have found a wonderful menu of gluten-free kitteh foods made by Best Friends Foods. Check out the menu!
For the past few months, Bhu had been having a lot of digestive problems (puking) and little "blippies" on his skin, which greatly disturbed me and which entirely ruined our berber carpet. He would often be "pokey" and obviously not happy or feeling well. The vet has been no help, whatsoever, and as some of you might know, I had been making food for him consisting largely of chicken and livers. Ultimately, he stopped eating these as well because, although a splendid occasional treat, a steady diet of this was too rich for him. The "gluten-free" seems to be key. Since we have been feeding him this (his fave flave is "Tuna & Bonito BE MINE recipe"), he has not puked once and makes regular kitty box visits that are completely normal. Also, his fur is SO SILKY and his skin is entirely clear of blippies!! The BEST part, however, is the cost: $1.27 per 5.5 oz can. I would encourage any of you who have geriatric kittehs with digestive problems to try these foods. Let me know how it goes!
"Me will KILLZ this 'bow!" Oh, yes, Bhu! You is totally FIERCE 'BOW WARRIOR!

xxxoooo Patty

Monday, July 5, 2010

Wai U Makes So MUCH NOIZES???

Sorry, Bhu! Fourth of July has some good things and some bad things. You like it when I sing the Star Spangled Banner, right? "Uh huh! And the Kids Bike Parade is always fun, too. But me no likes the BOOM BOOM WORKS!" Well, there are a lot of Americans who think if they're not shooting something, they're not being patriotic. I have no explanation for you. Just hide under the covers with me, K? "Purrrfect."
And now we'd like to introduce our mimosa in bloom!! My bedroom window looks down into the top of this and the blossoms have been attracting so many hummingbirds! The beauty of this is so uplifting, it's difficult to describe! This summer has been good, so far, even though the weather has been too cold, too hot, too rainy at times and sometimes all in the same day!
Our window boxes are looking good, even though I planted them in June! There was a little toad hiding in one for a while, but he has apparently moved on. Bhu especially loves watching "the critters" from the window, perched on his quilt. Aside from all the fun in the garden these days, I have been working part-time and enjoying it, especially the part about the pay check, since I have yet to hear from the University regarding my pension. But I don't want to complain because every day I wake up and look out the window and exclaim "It's a BEAUTIFUL day!" xxoo Patty

P.S. Sabryin took the top two photos with his new Canon Powershot SX120.