Friday, May 14, 2010

Me No Works!

"Whatcha been doin' all these past two weeks?" Well, Bhu, I got an e-mail from work telling me to STOP WORKING!, so I did. This was so they could clean up my earned vacation and get me retired. Today is my last day, officially, of not working as a full-time employee! This is my last day of paid vacation . . . no more sick leave, paid holidays -- NUTHIN'! I am on my own now. No more checking e-mails on Christmas Eve! No more going to work on New Year's Day to submit a grant proposal on! And, I will keep getting paid to NOT WORK! However, there's lots more work I do for no wages.
"Like whatz?" Jeez Loueez! Like going to the UPS Store to mail packages for Sabryin; going to the grocery store to get milk, bread, and FANCY FEAST all the time; interminable loads of laundry and piles of ironing; dusting, sweeping, washing dishes, making beds, emptying waste baskets! Ay yi yi! And, now that I'm home all day you seem to have developed this attitude that I should be your treats slave. You follow me around EVERYWHERE -- even the bathroom -- to remind me that it might be time to give you another Appetizer or liver treat! And you have become rather belligerent about it! "Hmmphff! Me desurvz treats!" Ish.
Plus, there is a lot of quilting to do. The Bowtie quilt is completed.
Just a bit more quilting on the string scrap quilt, still with the safety pins in the border.
I've gone this far with the pink stars UFO and now need to decide on a border. Not to mention the quilt in progress for our special furrend!

So even though I stopped "working," I've been pretty busy! xxoo Patty